学生抱怨 and 不满 Policy

Benedictine College is committed to treating all students fairly and respectfully. The College’s policies that apply to students are published annually in the 本笃学院目录 还有太阳城官网 学生手册. These publications are available on-line on the Benedictine College website.

In an instance of perceived violation of a College policy, a student may file a complaint. This policy provides two avenues for pursuing a complaint: an 非正式决议程序 and a 正式解决程序. 学生s may utilize either or both procedures.

If a student has a complaint dealing with sexual harassment, 性侵犯和暴力, or unlawful discrimination that could be considered a 第九条 complaint, 请参考我们的具体 第九条网站 in order to receive immediate assistance.

Unresolved student concerns regarding programs authorized through SARA may be directed to the state portal entity.



The student arranges a meeting with the person involved with the complaint and/or with the direct supervisor of the person involved.

例如, a student who perceives that he or she has been graded unfairly on an assignment should meet with the faculty member who assigned the grade. 在这个例子中, the meeting with the faculty member may be followed up with a meeting with the department chair or the original meeting might be with the department chair.

Another example would be a complaint to the 学生生活 Office involving a Resident Director. The student would meet with Resident Director or the Director of 居住生活 and attempt to resolve the issue in this way.

If the informal process does not resolve the complaint, the student may utilize the formal complaint procedure.


A formal complaint is in writing and sets forth a statement of the issue, the College policy or procedures violated, 以及所寻求的具体补救措施.

The complaint is normally submitted using an 在线表单 found on the Benedictine College website on the 学生抱怨s page. The complaint can also be submitted on paper to the Associate Dean of the College (St. Benedict Hall 416) and it will be forwarded to the appropriate office if you are not aware of where to submit it.

Many areas already have specific ways to handle complaints that closely parallel the steps specified below. 在这样的情况下, a formal complaint will be directed to the appropriate person and the previously approved appeal process will be followed.


正常情况下, the person to whom the complaint has been submitted (the investigator), 进行, within seven (7) business days of receiving the complaint, 与学生的正式会议, permitting her or him to provide any necessary relevant information.

The investigator confers with the other person or persons involved and 进行 an additional investigation as he or she deems necessary.

正常情况下, a written recommendation is sent within seven (7) business days of the first formal conference. The recommendation is sent to the student and the other person or persons who are directly involved. The written recommendation states the background information, 建议的理由, 推荐的行动, 如果有任何.

Copies of the original complaint and the written recommendation are kept for a minimum of five years.


If any of the parties involved in the complaint do not feel it is adequately resolved in 1级, they may submit a written appeal within fourteen (14) business days of receipt of the 1级 recommendation to the direct supervisor of the person who wrote the recommendation. The written appeal must specify the conditions that s/he believes were not adequately or appropriately taken into consideration in 1级.

正常情况下, the supervisor holds a hearing within fourteen (14) business days of receipt of the appeal or complaint and a written recommendation is sent to the student and others within fourteen (14) business days of such hearing.

如上诉至第2级, 投诉书正本副本 and the 1级 and 2级 written recommendations are kept for a minimum of five years.


Except in the case of a complaint against the President, where the Board of Directors has final authority, written appeals of the 2级 recommendation must be submitted to the President within fourteen (14) business days. The written appeal must specify the conditions that s/he believes were not adequately or appropriately taken into consideration in 2级. The President makes the final decision. 正常情况下, the President's written decision is sent to the student and other parties within fourteen (14) business days of receiving the 3级 appeal. 如上诉至第3级, 投诉书正本副本, 以前的书面建议, and the final decision are kept for a minimum of five years.

To access the student complaint form, please 点击这里.
